
Lilypie Waiting to Adopt tickers

Lilypie Waiting to Adopt tickers

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


Well, we had our telecon with the Adoption Network Law Center last night.  It was eye-opening, if nothing else.  As far as the information she gave us, it was pretty redundant for me.  I've read many books on adoption and have scoured the web for every bit of information I could find.  I pretty much know how it works.

What really stood our hair on end was the price!  They want between 60 and 80K!  How is the average family supposed to afford that?  I suppose they are counting on the available adoption loans out there, knowing people will go far into debt in order to have the child they so desperately desire.  Of course, I now know this much about the Center: they are "for profit" whereas Bethany and other agencies are "not for profit."  I can tell you all this much - we are not willing to go that deeply in debt.  There are other ways to skin a cat - or - in our case, there are other ways to build a family.

It's actually not a bad thing that we can't afford them, because we wouldn't have used them anyway.  I mentioned yesterday about my concerns that they wouldn't be amenable to concentrating our birthmother search on the East Coast.  This woman confirmed that they really wouldn't be able to.  I'm not saying our birthmother has to be right here in our city, but I'd like for her to be close enough to visit with often.  The Center just wasn't the right match for us.

So our next step is Bethany and the informational meeting we are scheduled to attend.  I like that Bethany has a local office.  We'll see how it goes!  I have high expectations for Bethany and I pray that they are the right match for us.  God is good, and He will lead us where we're supposed to be.

Love to All.

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