
Lilypie Waiting to Adopt tickers

Lilypie Waiting to Adopt tickers

Monday, March 28, 2011

Working on our Parent Profile is hard!

Right now, I'm busy starting our parent profile.  This is much harder than I anticipated it would be.  A parent profile is what you create, give to agency, and is then shown to moms-to-be considering an adoption plan.  Since I'm a scrapbooker, ours is in scrapbook form.  I'm making two, though I'm not sure yet whether our agency will want just one, or more than the two I'm creating.  Hmm, I'll call tomorrow and clarify that.

Nonetheless, I'm finding this a difficult project to complete.  Whereas the creativity usually flows quite easily for me when I'm creating pages, I'm acutely aware of what these pages mean and that makes the whole process take on a new dimension.

When I'm choosing photographs, it's difficult to pick which ones to include.  I mean, what photo can convey the longing I have to be a mother?  What photo can express how wonderful a father Tom is, and how excited I am to watch him father our child?  What photo can impart the desire we have to share our lives with a little one?  It's tough to have to sort through photos of your life and family and pick ones that you think will resonate with someone, ones that show who we really are.

Some people contend that the photos are actually more important than what you write, because photos are a way for a mom-to-be to instantly connect to the potential adoptive parents.  Well, if our photos convey anything to a mom to be, I pray that they convey the adoration Tom and I have for one another, the joy and laughter that we share, the beautiful daughter that we love, the amazing families that stand behind us, and the crazy friends that share our lives.

I have to admit: the prospect of becoming the mother of an infant for the first time in my life isn't nearly as intimidating as completing this profile!  But God is with me as I complete this scrapbook, and He knows exactly which baby is ours.  He will send our profile to the mom-to-be who will become a part of our family, so I'm trusting in Him.

Love to All.

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